RSVP for Classes at - Notes and Code are at - Support Classes at - Find All Classes at - LinkedIn at - This class will show you how to use Python and the OpenAI API to scrape websites. You will be able to use AI to create summaries or articles, automatically create tags for posts, or... have AI rewrite other peoples content for your own use... The class will demonstrate why 'robots.txt' files are worthless, and why web publishing is at existential risk from this technology. We will be using BeautifulSoup4 and FeedParser modules to extract text, and then send that text to OpenAI. This is a technical class. BE VERY CAREFUL IF YOU DEPLOY ANYTHING THAT YOU LEARN. "Fair Use" isn't as concrete a concept as some people think... The class will go over: - Requests Module for extracting content from web pages - Beautiful Soup for parsing extracted text - FeedParser to parse RSS XML files - OpenAI API Requests - Formatting OpenAI Requests for this task